
K.jpg's OpenSimplex 2, smooth variant ("SuperSimplex")

- 2D is standard simplex, modified to support larger kernels. Implemented using a lookup table. - 3D is "Re-oriented 8-point BCC noise" which constructs a congruent BCC lattice in a much different way than usual. - 4D uses a naïve pregenerated lookup table, and averages out to the expected performance.

Multiple versions of each function are provided. See the documentation above each, for more info.


this(long seed)
Undocumented in source.



double noise2(double x, double y)

2D SuperSimplex noise, standard lattice orientation.

double noise2_XBeforeY(double x, double y)

2D SuperSimplex noise, with Y pointing down the main diagonal. Might be better for a 2D sandbox style game, where Y is vertical. Probably slightly less optimal for heightmaps or continent maps.

double noise3_Classic(double x, double y, double z)

3D Re-oriented 8-point BCC noise, classic orientation Proper substitute for what 3D SuperSimplex would be, in light of Forbidden Formulae. Use noise3_XYBeforeZ or noise3_XZBeforeY instead, wherever appropriate.

double noise3_XYBeforeZ(double x, double y, double z)

3D Re-oriented 8-point BCC noise, with better visual isotropy in (X, Y). Recommended for 3D terrain and time-varied animations. The Z coordinate should always be the "different" coordinate in your use case. If Y is vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, z, Y) or use noise3_XZBeforeY. If Z is vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, y, Z). For a time varied animation, call noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, y, T).

double noise3_XZBeforeY(double x, double y, double z)

3D Re-oriented 8-point BCC noise, with better visual isotropy in (X, Z). Recommended for 3D terrain and time-varied animations. The Y coordinate should always be the "different" coordinate in your use case. If Y is vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XZBeforeY(x, Y, z). If Z is vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XZBeforeY(x, Z, y) or use noise3_XYBeforeZ. For a time varied animation, call noise3_XZBeforeY(x, T, y) or use noise3_XYBeforeZ.

double noise4_Classic(double x, double y, double z, double w)

4D SuperSimplex noise, classic lattice orientation.

double noise4_XYBeforeZW(double x, double y, double z, double w)

4D SuperSimplex noise, with XY and ZW forming orthogonal triangular-based planes. Recommended for 3D terrain, where X and Y (or Z and W) are horizontal. Recommended for noise(x, y, sin(time), cos(time)) trick.

double noise4_XYZBeforeW(double x, double y, double z, double w)

4D SuperSimplex noise, with XYZ oriented like noise3_Classic, and W for an extra degree of freedom. Recommended for time-varied animations which texture a 3D object (W=time)

double noise4_XZBeforeYW(double x, double y, double z, double w)

4D SuperSimplex noise, with XZ and YW forming orthogonal triangular-based planes. Recommended for 3D terrain, where X and Z (or Y and W) are horizontal.

Inherited Members

From OpenSimplex2

double noise2(double x, double y)

2D OpenSimplex2 noise, standard lattice orientation.

double noise2_XBeforeY(double x, double y)

2D OpenSimplex2 noise, with Y pointing down the main diagonal. Might be better for a 2D sandbox style game, where Y is vertical. Probably slightly less optimal for heightmaps or continent maps.

double noise3_Classic(double x, double y, double z)

3D OpenSimplex2 noise, classic orientation. Proper substitute for 3D Simplex in light of Forbidden Formulae. Use noise3_XYBeforeZ or noise3_XZBeforeY instead, wherever appropriate.

double noise3_XYBeforeZ(double x, double y, double z)

3D OpenSimplex2 noise, with better visual isotropy in (X, Y). Recommended for 3D terrain and time-varied animations. The Z coordinate should always be the "different" coordinate in your use case. If Y is vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, z, Y) or use noise3_XZBeforeY. If Z is vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, y, Z). For a time varied animation, call noise3_XYBeforeZ(x, y, T).

double noise3_XZBeforeY(double x, double y, double z)

3D OpenSimplex2 noise, with better visual isotropy in (X, Z). Recommended for 3D terrain and time-varied animations. The Y coordinate should always be the "different" coordinate in your use case. If Y is vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XZBeforeY(x, Y, z). If Z is vertical in world coordinates, call noise3_XZBeforeY(x, Z, y) or use noise3_XYBeforeZ. For a time varied animation, call noise3_XZBeforeY(x, T, y) or use noise3_XYBeforeZ.

double noise4_Classic(double x, double y, double z, double w)

4D OpenSimplex2 noise, classic lattice orientation.

double noise4_XYBeforeZW(double x, double y, double z, double w)

4D OpenSimplex2 noise, with XY and ZW forming orthogonal triangular-based planes. Recommended for 3D terrain, where X and Y (or Z and W) are horizontal. Recommended for noise(x, y, sin(time), cos(time)) trick.

double noise4_XZBeforeYW(double x, double y, double z, double w)

4D OpenSimplex2 noise, with XZ and YW forming orthogonal triangular-based planes. Recommended for 3D terrain, where X and Z (or Y and W) are horizontal.

double noise4_XYZBeforeW(double x, double y, double z, double w)

4D OpenSimplex2 noise, with XYZ oriented like noise3_Classic, and W for an extra degree of freedom. W repeats eventually. Recommended for time-varied animations which texture a 3D object (W=time)
